Best viewed in cine-matic widescreen plasma surround sound toilets

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Link of the month:
Alta Vista Babelfish Translator
Perfect for those sticky Language homework moments. It translates...
German - English
English - German
French - English
English - French
and many other languages

Some stuff to do when ure bored...

just click here to talk to other sad people

For...stuff....well I don't know what it is, but try it anyway

It's a guest book, der

It's still a guest book, der...just for people who are sad and don't want to sign it

If you have comments/questions/complaints/free food/money for Fishychips, e-mail them

Not here...    Not here...    Still not here...    Keep going...    Nearly there...    Next one...   HERE

!!Please write the message in the 'subject' box pls. It sounds strange, but's easier for me!!

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